Pendidikan Akhlak Dalam Upaya Membina Kepribadian Siswa

  • Edi Mulyono Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Ibnu Rusyd
Keywords: Moral Education, Character Building


Still morals in the soul of the child by giving the correct instructions and useful advice so that the teaching they receive, seeped into his soul. When it ignites, it will form a personality in him that always carry the main deeds, kindness, indulgence work for the benefit of the country, state, and nation. Efforts to develop the personality of students serves as a guide to be able to select and determine an action and then specify which ones are good and which are bad. Fostering personality dimasud here is coaching includes habits, attitudes, and the nature or essential nature which is reflected in the attitude of someone who distinguish with others.

Forms of Implementation of moral education in an effort to foster Muslim personality for students MTs.Al-Ikhlas Gunung Katun there are two, the first is coaching in the field of sharia and the second development in the field of morals. In the field of sharia that perform the obligatory prayers in congregation, praying Duha before starting learning and fasting on Mondays and Thursdays, while in the field of morals  prepared Trening proselytizing activities to prepare materials such as doing good fellow, mutual respect and mutual trust, honesty, courtesy, behave good, using Islamic dress. Impact of moral education in an effort to build a Muslim personality in MTs.Al-Ikhlas Gunung Katun, had a great impact on students' attitudes change and influence the behavior of religious and moral and religious knowledge of students.


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