Metode Pembelajaran Pendidikan Islam Dalam Perspektif Ibnu Khaldun

  • Syamsiatul Fadilah Universitas Ma'arif Lampung
  • Verdinan Wiranata Universitas Ma'arif Lampung
  • Vivi Wulandari Universitas Ma'arif Lampung
  • Wiro Handoko Universitas Ma'arif Lampung
  • Jaenullah Universitas Ma'arif Lampung
Keywords: Learning Methods, Islamic Education, Ibn Khaldun


The purpose of this research is to determine Islamic Education Learning Methods from Ibnu Khaldun's Perspective. Data obtained from library research. The data collection technique used by this researcher is library research. The data analysis technique in this research uses qualitative analysis techniques in a deductive manner. Ibnu, the results of this research show that Khaldun revealed several teaching methods in learning Islamic education, including the following: phasing method (tadarruj), repetition method (tikrari), widya-wisata method (rihlah), ready practice method, method of avoiding book summarization (ikhtisar at-turuk), and the method of memorizing books or parts of them by heart. Ibn Khaldun does not agree with educating children using violence, because it will have a negative effect on the child's growth, namely causing weakness and being unable to defend the honor of oneself and the family, because children do not have the will and enthusiasm which functions very important and acquire virtues and good morals. With mental violence, children will deviate from the goals and scope of their human nature.


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